These classes will push your limits, as they are longer and the postures are harder.

Intermediate class library

Featured Class - The one with all the side bends

This practice is for level 2 students, and you might need a brick and a strap. We do plenty of twists and side bends, so it's great for digestion and our spinal health. 74 minutes long.

And Just Hold Onto Your Foot

In this level 2 practice, we explore the ways in which you may be asked to hold onto your feet in a yoga class. It is easier for some people than others, and then being able to hold on in front doesn't mean that you can do it behind. We can use the belt or strap to assist of course, so give the practice a go, and let go of the idea that you need to be able to do it to be good at yoga. You don't! This is 75 minutes long.

Side angle and headstand prep

In this practice, we practice the different variations of the side angle or parsvokonasana posture, as well as beginning to build up to a headstand practice. There is no great mystery to headstands, you need to have your hands in the right position, have good upper body strength and take your time getting into it. Please don't just kick up into it! You might need a brick for the class. 70 minutes. Level 2.

Autumn Equinox Full Moon Class

The autumn equinox is a time to start to change our patterns, and listen to our bodies, to reflect the change in the seasons. So this practice introduces cooling practices, and moon salutations, as it also falls on a full moon this year. We do lunges so you may need a cushion or padding for the knees, plus a brick if you have one. This is a level 2 class. 75 minutes.

Half a handstand

We spend time warming up the shoulders and wrists and then practice the half handstand using the wall. You will need a strap or belt for this class. If you have any injuries in the wrists or shoulders or feel that you haven't got the upper body strength then take care and only attempt what you are able to. 70 minutes and level 2-3.


A little bit of this

In this session we integrate flowing sun salutations, stretching, yin postures, balancing, eye yoga and some sound based pranayama. It is 75 minutes long. No props are needed, level 1-2.


Head and Shoulders above the rest

We work on the shoulders and try out the clown headstand in this class. It is more suitable for level 2-3, for students who have been practicing for a while. If you have any injuries in the neck or shoulders, then practice with care. It is 75 minutes long.

Experienced Yogi’s Level 2-3 Class

A general practice, great if you’ve been having a bit of a pause from yoga. We do a range of seated and standing poses, followed by relaxation at the end.


Reverse Half Moon

We move through this 75 minute practice, warming up for this challenging posture. You can use a brick in this class and also a belt if you have one, but as always it can be done without props, your mat is enough.


Clowning Around

Clown headstand is a more accessible pose than it’s headstand couterparts. Approach any headstand with caution, especially if you have a neck issue.


Crow Posture

Warm up the wrists and increase your upper body strength with this 75 minute practice, culminating in Crow Posture or Bakasana.

Half Moon for the Full Moon

We did this practice on the full moon, and the class focuses on the hips and outer legs, hopefully making the half moon posture more accessible.

The Tough Get Going

Welcome to this level 2-3 practice, working on mental resilience when the urge to stop comes along, and focusing on strength but softness in postures. We used a brick and a cushion but if you don't have those things, don't worry, the postures can be done without.

Friday Night Take-Away

This is a level 2-3 class, with a mix of yin postures, flow and hatha yoga. You might need a belt or strap if you find it hard to reach the toes. 75 minutes long.

Find your balance

This is a 75 minute practice, and you might need a belt for the standing balance in it.


Super Strong Flow

75 minute level 2-3 class, with a strong emphasis on flow and hip centred postures.


The Core of the Matter

Total core fest! 75 minute to feel stronger from the inside out.


The fall of the triangle

This is a level 2-3 class, and it’s 75 minutes long. In the modern yoga style, the triangle has a fallen version, and this class is based around it.

Hamstring Tune - up

Grab a yoga brick or something that you can use between the inner legs, and tackle hamstring tightness. 75 minutes and level 2-3.

Getting into the tight spots

Level 2-3 class which gets right into the tight spots of the hips and shoulders. 75 minutes long, and you will need a cushion for the lunges.

Discover your strength

This class is all about blasting the cobwebs away at the end of a long week! We start off with 6 rounds of sun salutations, then some balancing postures, with pigeon, wheel and shoulder stand to finish off! 70 minutes long and level 2-3.


Friday night mish mash

Handstand, headstand, sun saluations, fallen triangle, pigeon pose, legs up the wall, this is a mish mash of different styles!


Shoulder Overhaul

If you have any shoulder issues, then this practice could just be what you are looking for! Of course, be mindful in the postures, and do variations if you feel you aren’t strong enough to do it all. Sometimes it takes time and practice to build up to a pose, but approach it with the spirit of exploration, we are all students of our bodies!

Dhanurasana and other postures

Dhanurasana or wheel pose can take a long time to master, and then some people can do it straight away! It is all about stretching and strengthening the right places to do it safely.


The cobweb blaster

Blow away the winter blues! Flow based class to banish winter blues and bring in spring energy.


Lower Body Practice

This practice is all about the legs, with squats, lunges and balance. It is 75 minutes long.

Grounding Practice

This is a level 2-3 class, starting off with a little bit of yin - using the belt, then going into movement and standing postures. We also use the Apan Vayu Mudra to ground and release anxiety. 75 minutes.