
Therapeutic Yoga Practices

Classes that are aimed at a particular problem, be it physical, emotional or mental. They showcase how yoga can be transformative, with a focus on looking at things in a different way.

Theurapeutic Yoga for Sciatica

Sciatica is a broad term for nerve pain that can be felt in the lower back, hip or leg, or all 3! It has more than one cause, so of course this class may not target the exact area that you are feeling it, but I have tried to design it around where I myself have experienced sciatic pain. Always proceed with caution if you are in the flare up stage or the recovery stage, and let your body be your teacher! You can do this class many times as well: repetition is a good way to gauge progress and recovery. It is 75 minutes long. I filmed this on my laptop in a room with not great lighting, so it is not high quality. I hope you enjoy it.

Therapeutic Yoga for Lymphatic System

When summer ends, and autumn begins, our body rhythms change. Our practice should reflect that, so I've slowed right down with this class, and focused on the lymphatic system. The main concentration of lymph glands are in the groin and the armpit/arms so the class really focuses on deep stretches in these areas. It is an all-levels class, and you will need a bit of wall space, a cushion and optional yoga bricks.


Gentle Yoga for recovery

This practice is perfect if you have been ill and need an energy boost. You will need a chair and a cushion. It is 70 minutes long. The practice is suitable for all levels.

Yoga to stimulate the right brain

We are very dominated by the left brain, and need to know the answers to the questions! We think in a logical, methodical fashion. Is there any scientific research to tell us what yoga is good for, what it can help with? What time will we be finished? I have designed this series of classes to switch us to right brain thinking, which is more creative and doesn't need to know what is coming up next. Just be in the pose! stop thinking so much! It's all fun! We use a strap in this practice, plus a few bricks if you have them nearby. Always have a cushion for seated and kneeling postures. It is 65 minutes and level 1.


Yoga for the right brain continued


Part 2

Part 2 of the series that tries to explore how the posture feels rather than how it looks, and going with sensation and creativity rather than rigidly following instructions and using logic! We need a belt for this class. it is 70 minutes long, suitable for all levels.

Part 3

Continuing on with the theme of using our right brain to be intuitive, creative and emotive in our yoga practice. Not everything has to have an explanation or a reason. So let's try and move away from our logical mind and go with the flow! This is a level 1 class and it is 80 minutes long. Suggested props are 2 bricks, a belt and a cushion.

Part 4

Your right brain is all about intuition and creativity, so following on from previous classes we are exploring how the postures feel rather than how they look, and being in the moment rather than having to follow a rigid set of instructions. This practice is 75 minutes long.

Yoga for the right brain core strength

Using your intuition to strengthen your core? That's what we try to do in this practice, let your gut tell you how many low boats to do, or how long to hold the leg drop. Don't be competitive with yourself and just go with the flow! No props needed, except maybe a cushion. This is a level 1 class and it is 70 minutes long.


Pelvic Floor Rehab Classes


Release anger with Lunges and Twists!

This is a 50 minute, dynamic practice, and focuses on lunges and twists mostly with some sun salutations thrown in. it is all about working the liver meridian, which can also be good for getting rid of anger. It is a level 1-2 practice.


Level 1 practice, with postures that help to balance out the pelvic floor muscles and to make us more aware of the imbalances that may be present there. You might need a cushion for this class or a brick, plus a strap. It is suitable for men and women.

Level 2 practice, with postures that help to balance out the pelvic floor muscles and to make us more aware of the imbalances that may be present there. You might need a cushion for this class.


More therapeutic classes


Yoga for managing anxiety and stress

Long term or short term, stress is not a great addition to your life, and the same goes for anxiety. Yoga has a great many therapeutic tools to help us deal with these things in a holistic way. The first step is awareness of how our body feels, and then committing to a more holistic way of looking after ourselves. This is a 75 minute class with a complete focus on therapeutic yoga for mind and body, to unravel knots and release anxiety.

Yoga for a hot day

Some days you just don't want to do a flow class or a heated practice, when it is hot outside, so give this 75 minute class a try on days like these. You can use a rolled up towel or blanket or a yoga brick for the lying down practice, and then a cushion or blanket for knee support.

Yoga for jetlag

After a long flight, your body feels awful: stiff, swollen, tight, so yoga is the perfect thing to boost your immune system, stretch the muscles and reset your body clock. This is a 65 minute practice.


Super Stretchy Class

Sometimes you just need to stretch everything out. The benefits of stretching include improving flexibility, increasing blood flow to muscles, reduce stress and improve posture. So it is a great idea to make time for stretching out, you'll feel great after and it might even calm the mind. This is an all levels class, 75 minutes long and you will need a belt and a cushion.

Yoga for the hips, back and shoulders

These areas can be trouble spots for a lot of people, so in this class I try to address some of the issues, like tightness and injury. We use a belt, and this is suitable for all levels. 71 minutes long.


Scapula Tune-Up

We revisit the tight spot that is the shoulder joint, whether it is one or both, they can never receive too much attention. Not only do they respond to stress, they also affect the neck and head, so issues are often felt in other places. If you have a yoga brick then that can be used, but if not a rolled up towel will be great too, plus a scarf/belt. Level 1 and it lasts 75 minutes.


Back Care Classes

Yoga has long been considered great for anyone suffering from back problems. There are many different postures that you can do to help your back, this is just a few of them. It really depends on what the issue is, so sometimes you need to have a few one to one sessions to determine the issue. If you have a back problem, please take care in these videos, and use your own judgement.


Back Care Class

Yoga has long been considered great for anyone suffering from back problems. There are many different postures that you can do to help your back, this is just a few of them. It really depends on what the issue is, so sometimes you need to have a few one to one sessions to determine the issue. If you have a back problem, please take care in this video, and use your own judgement.

Back Care Class 2

This is a level 1 class, and it is 72 minutes long. You will need a belt and some cushions for the practice. It focuses on the back primarily, as yoga is known to be extremely beneficial for the back and some of the common back complaints. As always, take care in the postures and rest if you need to.


Therapeutic yoga for the solar plexus.

This practice uses breathing techniques, mudras, chanting and postures to bring energy and life into the solar plexus region or navel area of the body. This area is the second biggest nerve centre after the brain, and it is subject to blockages and congestion, so yoga shows us how we can keep this free and healthy. You might need a cushion for sitting on or even a chair if you find seated postures difficult. It is 71 minutes long. It was filmed in a live class so I do wonder off to help students!